Monday, August 8, 2011


Here is another poem I wrote, something a bit more serious. This was also for my stand-up poetry class, and the assignment was to write a poem that dealt with a touchy subject without talking about that subject directly. This is actually a poem that proved to be a bit difficult to figure out completely, as it was hard to pick which details I should or should not include, especially since any details I did put in needed to also pertain to my touchy subject, race. It also involved a decent amount of research on the Tour de France, and I still think this piece is a work in process. But here it is, titled Blur.

You ask what race I am and I look you
directly in the eye and say
the Tour de France
because I like bicycling.
And Lance Armstrong, but that’s beside the point.

This race involves people
from different countries, a route that
silently crosses borders. Colored jerseys
are worn to embody distinctions but as each
person moves forward, the shades all blur;
the white, the red, the black, the yellow
all blend together until it’s impossible
to tell the difference, to separate any one
 but we get so caught up
in trying to figure it out that we don’t even notice who
is passing us by.

This route covers long distances, goes over mountains
and plains, through towns and woods. The riders experience difficulties,
tension, stress, and crashes, deal with pain and discomfort and
they keep going. With large hearts and a steel
will, they race, each foot pedaling forward, their wheels
circling in unison until they reach their destination of the Arc de Triomphe.

Does that answer your question?

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